منابع اطلاعاتی در مورد آب و COVID-19
همه گیری Covid-19 - SARS-CoV-2 سؤالات بسیاری را برای بخش آبرسانی و فاضلاب در سراسر جهان مطرح می کند. این شامل عمومی است که به دنبال اطمینان در مورد نگرانی های احتمالی هستند. سازمان هایی که خدمات آب و فاضلاب ارائه می دهند باید پاسخگوی این امر باشند و با تأثیر مستقیم این بیماری همه گیر بر روی کار خود مقابله کنند. توجه به نقش اساسی شستشوی دست در جلوگیری از شیوع بیماری، اهمیت دسترسی به آبرسانی، فاضلاب و بهداشت را برجسته می کند.
اطلاعات مهم هستند. در اینجا پیوندهایی به برخی از منابع برجسته و معتبر برای کمک به پشتیبانی از درک و بحث در این برهه مهم ارائه می دهیم.
در بین این منابع، سازمان بهداشت جهانی یک مرجع اصلی است. جدیدترین راهنمایی های آن خلاصه تفکر فعلی است. نکته مهم، این شامل تفکر مبتنی بر درک قابل توجهی از کرونا ویروس، از جمله آنچه در مورد شیوع SARS در سال 2003 به دست آمده است می باشد.
فعالیت های ارائه دهنده خدمات آبرسانی و فاضلاب در حال حاضر در جهت حمایت از سلامت عمومی، به ویژه از عوامل بیماری زا هدایت می شود. Covid-19 با این وجود یک بیماری جدید است. ما هدف ما حمایت از بحث در مورد موضوعاتی است که نیاز به توجه دارند، به ویژه علم در حال تحول.
در کنار این، اپراتورهای آبرسانی و فاضلاب یک سرویس اساسی را ارائه می دهند. منابع اطلاعاتی نیاز به محافظت و اولویت بندی این نیروی کار را در مواقع نیاز و همچنین ایمنی کارکنان در محیط کار خود پوشش می دهند.
World Health Organization
Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 – Interim Guidance, 29 July 2020 NEW
World Health Organization
Scientific brief on the status of environmental surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 virus – Scientific brief, 5 August 2020 NEW
World Health Organization
Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19 – Interim Guidance, 23 April 2020
South African Water Research Commission – Fact Sheet: Water quality, sanitation and hygiene management in light of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Germany’s public Coronavirus resource – Basic information on the coronavirus, including statements on water
Water Services Association of Australia – COVID-19 Fact Sheet
Water Services Association of Australia – Fact sheet: COVID-19 and wastewater NEW
US Department of Homeland Security – Science and Technology Directorate – Master Question List for COVID-19 (Caused by SARS-CoV-2) Updated weekly
Global Water Research Coalition – Fact sheet: The COVID-19 Virus – “Water, Sanitation and Wastewater Management” UPDATED VERSION 25 MAY 2020
KWR – Q&A on COVID-19 Sewage Surveillance
American Water Works Association – COVID-19 response: water sector preparation, vigilance crucial
American Water Works Association – Report: The Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on U.S. Drinking Water Utilities
Canadian Water & Wastewater Association – Links and resources, including CWWA Water Sector Pandemic Action Plan
Water Environment Federation – The Water Professional’s Guide to COVID-19
United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
US Environmental Protection Agency – Water Utility Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic – USA
US Environmental Protection Agency – Incident Action Checklists for Water Utilities, including Pandemic Incident Action Checklist – USA NEW
Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance – What Water and Sanitation Operators Can do in the Fight Against COVID-19.
IWA Online Panel Expert Discussion
- COVID-19: Wastewater-based epidemiology NEW
- COVID-19: Ensuring safe water in sparsely occupied buildings NEW
- COVID-19: Young Water Professional Perspectives NEW
- COVID-19: Sewage monitoring for public health
- COVID-19: WASH In Vulnerable Communities
- COVID-19: The Regulators’ Response
- COVID-19: A Utility Leaders’ Response
- COVID-19: A Water Professionals’ Perspective
Isle Utilities – Global utility COVID-19 resources, including recorded webinars
US Environmental Protection Agency – Frequent Questions about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Water transmission and COVID-19
Water Research Commission – South Africa
How sewage could reveal the true scale of coronavirus outbreak
KPMG – Perspectives from US utilities on potential COVID-19 impacts
Sanitation and Water for All – Resources on COVID-19 and WASH
Samendra P Sherchan, Shalina Shahin, Lauren M Ward, Sarmila Tandukar, Tiong G Aw, Bradley Schmitz, Warish Ahmed, Masaaki Kitajima First detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater in North America: A study in Louisiana, USA Science of the Total Environment (2020) (available online 30 June 2020) NEW
Y Wu, C Guo, L Tang, Z Hong, J Zhou, X Dong, H Yin, Q Xiao, X Qu, L Kuang, X Fang, N Mishra, J Lu, H Shah, G Jiang, X Huang Prolonged presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in faecal samples Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 5 (5) (2020), pp. 434-435 (published March 20, 2020)
G Medema, L Heijnen, G Elsinga, R Italiaander, A Brouwer Presence of SARS-Coronavirus-2 in sewage MedRxiv, (2020) 2020.03.29.20045880 (published March 30, 2020)
F Wu, A Xiao, J Zhang, X Gu, WL Lee, K Kauffman, W Hanage, M Matus, N Ghaeli, N Endo, C Duvallet, K Moniz, T Erickson, P Chai, J Thompson, E Alm SARS-CoV-2 titers in wastewater are higher than expected from clinically confirmed cases MedRxiv (2020) 2020.04.05.20051540 (published April 7, 2020)
W Ahmed, N Angel, J Edson, K Bibby, A Bivins, JW O’Brien, PM Choi, M Kitajima, SL Simpson, J Li, B Tscharke, R Verhagen, WJM Smith, J Zaugg, L Dierens, P Hugenholtz, KV Thomas, JF Mueller First confirmed detection of SARS-CoV-2 in untreated wastewater in Australia: A proof of concept for the wastewater surveillance of COVID-19 in the community Sci. Total Environ (2020) 138764 (published April 14/18, 2020)
A Nemudryi, A Nemudraia, K Surya, T Wiegand, M Buyukyoruk, R Wilkinson, B Wiedenheft Temporal detection and phylogenetic assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in municipal wastewater MedRxiv (2020) 2020.04.15.20066746 (published April 20, 2020)
W Randazzo, P Truchado, EC Ferrando, P Simon, A Allende, G Sanchez SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater anticipated COVID-19 occurrence in a low prevalence area Water Research (2020) 181 (available online 16 May 2020) UPDATED
S Wurtzer, V Marechal, J-M Mouchel, L Moulin Time course quantitative detection of SARS- CoV-2 in Parisian wastewaters correlates with COVID-19 confirmed cases MedRxiv (2020) 2020.04.12.20062679 (published May 6, 2020)
BA Kocamemi, H Kurt, S Hacioglu, C Yarali, AM Saatci, B Pakdemirli 2020 First Data-Set on SARS-CoV-2 Detection for Istanbul Wastewaters in Turkey MedRxiv (2020) 2020.05.03.20089417 (published May 6, 2020)
IWA Publishing COVID-19 related resources
S Matsui. Water Science & Technology Protecting human and ecological health under viral threats in Asia
Innocent K Tumwebaze; Joan B Rose; Nynke Hofstra; Matthew E Verbyla; Isaac Musaazi; Daniel A Okaali; Rose C Kaggwa; Irene Nansubuga; Heather M Murphy. Journal of Water & Health Translating pathogen knowledge to practice for sanitation decision-making
S R Peterson; N J Ashbolt. Water Science & Technology Viral risks associated with wastewater reuse: modeling virus persistence on wastewater irrigated salad crops
Jelena Vujcic; Pavani K Ram; Lauren S Blum. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development Handwashing promotion in humanitarian emergencies: strategies and challenges according to experts
Lidia Morawska, Donald K Milton It is time to address airborne transmission of COVID-19
شناسه تلگرام مدیر سایت: SubBasin@
نشانی ایمیل: behzadsarhadi@gmail.com
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